What Is Google My Business & How Can I Use It To Drive More Traffic?

Google My Business

You’ve probably heard of Google My Business, but have you fully grasped what it’s all about? Well, that’s one thing I’m here for! I’ll be taking you on a journey to understanding everything about Google My Business. We’re glad you joined us! But before we get into what Google My Business is and how it can help your business, let’s start with an introduction for those who are new to this whole thing.

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a free tool that helps you grow your business online. It lets you create a Google+ local business page, manage your online presence, and connect with customers. You can use it to build a more visible presence on Google Maps, Google Search, and Google+.

Google My Business provides you with several tools to help manage your local listing:

  • A dashboard that gives insights into how people find and interact with your business on Google.
  • A directory of all of the reviews and photos of your business (including those from third-party sites like Yelp or TripAdvisor).
  • The ability to see which customers are visiting through each channel—from desktop search to mobile maps—and track how many times they visit over time.

Why you need a Google My Business account

You’re probably already familiar with Google, but have you heard of Google My Business? It’s a free service that helps businesses manage their online presence on Google and other platforms. In this article, we’ll explain what GMB is and why it matters to your business.

How can Google My Business help my business?

It helps your customers find you.

Google My Business is the first place that people will look for your business when they search on Google. So if you don’t have a Google My Business listing, they might not be able to find you. And that’s bad news for both your business and its reputation—especially if the competition has one!

It helps Google search engines find your business.

When someone searches “Italian restaurant” in their browser, or clicks on one of those little blue links below an advertisement or article, they’re looking for a specific product or service—and that’s where local SEO comes in handy. The more information businesses provide about themselves (for example: “best pizza” or “pizza delivery”), the higher their chances of ranking well in search results when someone performs a similar search online later down the road—which means more traffic and sales coming directly from Google itself!

It helps people find you when they need you the most.

When you have a Google My Business listing, your business will be featured in Google’s “Local Finder” search engine results. This means that people who are looking for a particular type of service or product near them will see a map with blue markers—one of which represents your business! By making it easier for people to find what they’re looking for online, local SEO can help bring more customers through the door at all hours of day and night.

It’s easy to set up. Once you have a Google My Business account, all you need to do is add your business information and photos. The process can take as little as 10 minutes—and it’s worth it!

How do I write a description for my Google business listing?

Your business description is one of the most important parts of your listing. It’s the first thing that potential customers will see when they search for your company and it needs to accurately describe what you do and why people should choose you over other businesses in your area. You should be descriptive and accurate, using keywords to describe how you meet their needs, but don’t be afraid to go into detail about what makes your business unique or better than others in your industry.

You can also add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of this section so people know how to get in touch with you quickly if they want more information about what exactly it is that makes your company so great!

You can include your website address or social media handles in this section as well. This is a great way to increase your visibility and get more people to visit your site. If you don’t have a website yet, don’t worry! Just put down a note that says “coming soon” or something similar.

Can I use keywords in my description?

You can use keywords in your description, but don’t overdo it. It isn’t necessary or helpful to use every single keyword that applies to your business—and if you do, Google may view your listing as spammy and de-index it. Just include a few of the most relevant ones that come to mind when writing about your business.

Don’t include irrelevant keywords, either; those are even worse than useless ones. For example, if you run an ice cream shop and sell pizza as well (because why not?), don’t write something like “We make delicious ice cream and serve pizza at our store! Come visit us today!” That will have zero impact on search engine results because no one searches for “ice cream pizza store near me” (or whatever). If they want ice cream they’ll search for “ice cream.” If they want pizza they’ll search “pizza.”

Having a good Google My business account is a very important part of your online presence.

In this article, we’ll help you understand why having a good Google My Business account is a very important part of your online presence.

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Google My Business is a free service that helps Google understand who you are and what you offer. It helps customers find your business on Google Maps, which makes it easier for them to find directions from their home to yours, call or visit you in person, read reviews about what you do, and much more. In other words: having a good Google My Business listing makes life easier for both customers and for companies like yours!

As we mentioned above, Google My Business is a free service. However, there are some benefits to upgrading your account to a Premium listing. These include things like a custom URL for your Google Maps listing (this will look something like: http://www.google.com/maps/place/YourBusinessNameHere), more options for managing how you appear on the platform, and more control over who can claim or manage your business page.

How to optimize the Google My Business profile

  • Make sure your business name is easy to remember and spell. Try to use keywords that people would search for in order to find you.
  • Use the same name on all platforms – Google My Business, Facebook, Instagram, YELP and more.
  • Add an address for each location. Make sure it’s precise!
  • Create a unique description for each location (use different keywords). You can paste this into all other profiles as well so that people know what they’re getting when they visit one of your stores or restaurants.
  • Add a link to your website in the “Website” section at the bottom of each page so customers can easily get there from any device they use (desktop computer, mobile phone, tablet).

Ways to get the most out of Google My Business

If you want to get the most out of Google My Business, here are some tips:

  • Create a complete and accurate business listing.
  • Set up a Google My Business page.
  • Use Google My Business for SEO (search engine optimization).

Use Google My Business for advertising

This means being able to promote your business on Google Search, Maps, and other products such as Gmail and Android phones. You can also advertise on other websites that show ads from AdWords Express. To determine if your business is eligible for AdWords Express, read about what qualifies a small business for an ad campaign. If your company isn’t eligible yet but wants to start advertising online anyway because of its growth potential, consider using the Internet Advertising Bureau’s Universal Ad Package (UAP) instead! The UAP is designed specifically for companies that aren’t yet ready or able to use more expensive services like PPC ads because they’re still fairly small operations themselves but could become very successful within five years’ time if given sufficient support during those crucial early stages when building awareness becomes crucial due to lack of competition among competitors who might otherwise be vying against each other instead since none currently exist within any given industry sector yet so long as one does not exist until after another has already been established beforehand which would mean nobody knows about either yet even though both companies have similar offerings at different prices depending upon what type/kinds thereof exists within each category listed below again depending upon whether there’re multiple kinds available under each subcategory category label used above.

e.g., if a company offers two different kinds of dog treats for sale, one type being wet and the other dry but both are made with real meat then it would qualify as a “meat-based dog treat” which can be advertised as such instead of just saying “dog treats” because that’s what most people think of when they’re searching for them on Google anyway).

As you can see, the above example is just one way in which a business can use Google AdWords to help generate sales for their company. There are many other ways that companies advertise on this platform as well, each with its own set of benefits and downsides depending upon what type of product/service is being sold and how much it costs to do so. We recommend that anyone who wants more information about how this process works should contact

Optimized with important keywords, marketing your business on Google My Business will put you head and shoulders above your competition in local search results.

Optimizing with important keywords is a great way to ensure that your business appears in local searches.

When optimizing your business information, make sure to use relevant keywords for each of the following:

  • Your name
  • Your categories (if applicable)
  • Your address and phone number (if applicable)
  • The description of what you do and who you serve

The same goes for hours and contact details. Make sure that if there are any keywords related to these things, they are included!

How to use Google My Business for local marketing

If you’re a local business owner, Google My Business is one of the best tools you can use to attract new customers. This free platform allows businesses to create a page that’s accessible through search results, allowing people to find your business quickly and easily. It also has other features that make it easier for customers and potential customers to find out more about your company as well as contact you directly—and there’s no signup required!

Claim your free Google My Business listing

Claiming your free Google My Business listing is easy. Just go to the Google My Business website and fill out the form. If you don’t see a form, it means that someone else has claimed your business. You can also claim your listing on the Google Search app for Android or iOS, or even on the mobile web if you have internet access and an available browser in hand at all times (which seems like something of an exaggeration, but hey).

Optimize your listing

Optimize your listing

To make sure that you are showing up in search results, you need to optimize your Google My Business listing. This will ensure that potential customers can find you online and that you’re ranked at the top of the list. Here are some tips to help get started:

Use a descriptive title and description.

Make sure these two fields are filled out on all listings for your business. The title should be short, but also tell users what services or products you offer so they know what you do without having to click through or read an entire paragraph — like “Graphic Design Agency” instead of “We create stunning graphics for businesses like yours! We…” You can write whatever suits your brand best as long as it isn’t spammy or too vague so people understand what goes into creating each project (not just them being ‘stunning’).

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Use keywords that are relevant to your business.

This helps other users find businesses similar to yours when searching online by location, service offered, etc., which means more traffic coming through! It’s important not only because it shows up higher on search results pages when someone types “graphic design agency” vs “graphic design firm,” but also because Google uses this information

Add photos

Add photos to your listing to help customers find you. Make sure the photos are high-quality and relevant to your business. You can upload photos from your computer or from your phone:

Uploading from a computer

How do I add a photo using my computer?

Go to https://business.google.com/ and sign in with the Google Account that has access to the listing for which you want to add a photo (Google My Business). If you don’t have access, ask the person who does have access (which may be an owner or manager) to upload images on behalf of your company.

If they have already uploaded some images, then they won’t be able to upload more right now—you should see an error message when trying this action because there is already one image attached as “Featured Image” in order for it not to be replaced by yours at all times when browsing through different websites where GMB listings appear on top of search results pages – like here when looking up listings related with keywords like “Italian restaurant” or “Japanese restaurant”. This will allow users visiting those websites to know beforehand what kind of service do people offer before reaching their location; this way potential customers won’t waste time walking around aimlessly hoping that someone might turn out helpful enough without expecting anything from them whatsoever.”

Get more reviews and manage your reputation

  • Google My Business is a great way to get more reviews, but you probably want to know how to manage your reputation and respond to reviews.
  • The best way to get more reviews on Google is by asking for them. You can provide a link in your email signature, on the back of business cards, or even just mention it when you’re talking with customers.
  • If someone leaves you a bad review, don’t panic! There are ways of dealing with negative feedback that can help you turn around their opinion or at least make sure other users don’t see it.
  • Here’s an example: “We’re so sorry this happened! We’d like another shot at making things right—can we offer free shipping on our next order?”

Respond to reviews and ratings

When you receive a review, it’s always a good idea to respond. Not only does it show that your business is dedicated to customer service and quality, but it can also help strengthen your relationship with customers who felt compelled to leave feedback on the platform.

In some cases, however, negative reviews are inevitable—and that doesn’t mean you should ignore them (or even avoid responding). Here are some ways to handle negative Google My Business reviews:

Respond with a personal message.

A lot of people don’t realize they can do this when leaving reviews on Google My Business! If you see an issue with their review or have more information about what happened during their visit that could help explain why things went wrong in their experience, try communicating directly with them via messaging within the Google My Business app or the website itself. You can find this option under “Support” when viewing your business page on GMB; click “Send feedback” and then choose “Message.”

Respond with an apology and solution offer instead of defensive language

like “We’re sorry we didn’t meet [insert positive adjective here] expectations” because no matter how much work has gone into making sure every customer gets treated well at all times (and no matter how many times we think we’ve gotten everything perfect), there will always be ways for us as humans to mess up along the way! The best thing about owning businesses—even small ones like yours—is being able to make things right again once something goes wrong; so stick up for yourself without wasting too much time arguing over who did what wrong first

Encourage repeat customers with posts in the Posts tab

The Posts tab is a great place for you to share photos and text, telling your business story. You can use it to share events, deals, and news.

To post from the Posts tab:

  • Click the blue Post button in the top right corner of your GMB page.
  • Write or upload content that will help get people interested in visiting your business location by giving them an idea of what they’ll get when they visit (e.g., “Come see our new furniture display!” or “Our soup is on sale this week.”).
  • Add images and/or video as well if possible; people respond best when they can see things visually!

Google My Business is a free tool from Google that allows you to stand out from the competition.

Google My Business is a free tool from Google that allows you to stand out from the competition. It’s a great way to get more customers and grow your business. With Google My Business, you can:

  • Claim your business listing on Google Search, Maps, and Google+
  • Upload an image for your business
  • Add hours of operation, pricing information, and other details about what makes your shop or restaurant special

How to set up Google My Business

Google My Business is a free tool that allows you to promote your Business Profile and business website on Google Search and Maps. With your Google My Business account, you can see and connect with your customers, post updates to your Business Profile, and see how customers are interacting with your business on Google.

To set up your profile:

  • Go to https://business.google.com/manage/. You’ll be asked to log in with the same account that you use for Gmail or Google+. If you don’t have one yet, go ahead and sign up!
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If you don’t have a Google Account, create one. Once you’re logged in, enter the information for your business and click Save.

Sign in to Google My Business. If you have multiple locations, open the location you’d like to manage.

The first thing you’ll need to do is sign in to your Google account. If you have more than one location, open it up by clicking the one you’d like to manage. You can also manage other locations from here as well.

If you don’t have a Google account yet, click “Create an Account” and follow through with the quick steps on how to set up an account (it only takes a few minutes).

Once you’re set up with Google My Business and have confirmed your listing, you can update basic information like your street address, phone number, and website.

To do this:

  • Open the Google My Business app on your mobile device and sign in to your account or follow the instructions below to verify ownership of a business that isn’t currently listed on Google.
  • In the menu on the left, click Info. From here you can change:
  • The name of your business (if applicable)
  • Your contact info (email address, phone number, and physical address)


You can also add links to your website, Google+ page, and other social media accounts.

To add a link to your site, go to “Settings” on the left side of the page and click on “Website.” Enter the URL for your site in this box and then click “Save.” If you have more than one URL for your website (such as www.examplecompanyname.com/about-us vs index2), enter both URLs as separate entries so that they’re listed under “Website 1” or “Website 2.”

Phone number

Your phone number will appear on the Google search results page for your business. If you don’t have a local area code, you can add a number from inside or outside of your service area.

To add a phone number that’s local to your business, enter the area code and seven-digit extension in the space provided for it (for example, 555-123-1234).

To add a phone number that is not local to the location of your business: click “I don’t have a local area code” on the right; then select and copy/paste any 10 digits into the first two spaces provided.

Address information

What is the address of your business? This is the location where you can find your business, like a street or city. It’s important to make sure this information is accurate and up to date! If you move or change your name, update it on Google My Business.

We’ll ask for an address for every single listing in Google My Business. Make sure you fill out every field with accurate information about your business’s physical location so customers can easily find it when they search for businesses like yours on Google Search or Maps.

Hours & other info

Businesses that show their hours, address, and phone number on Google My Business will appear at the top of the “local pack” in Google search results. You can also add a photo, logo, website link, and other details that help users find what they need. And there’s one more thing you can do: add a review section so your customers can leave reviews directly on your business listing.

You can set up your Google My Business Business Profile so it’s easy for customers to find and contact you, whether they’re looking from a mobile device or computer. Your business may be listed on Google Search, Maps, and Google+ (if applicable).

You’ll see how many people are visiting your business on Google Search and Maps. This report helps you understand what types of customers are interested in your business and allows you to track the success of marketing campaigns over time.

Does Google My Business cost money?

Google My Business will not cost you any money. It’s free to create a profile, and there are no monthly fees or other hidden costs to worry about. If you’ve already signed up for Google AdWords and have created a listing on Google Maps, then your account is already set up.

But what if you don’t want to spend hours updating your business’ information every day? Or maybe someone else in your organization takes care of it while they’re at their computer at home? That’s fine too—you can share access with other people within your company by inviting them as contributors through the owner dashboard. This will let them log into their own accounts without having access to edit any other settings or information about the business itself (only things related directly to updates).

The most important thing to remember about Google My Business is that it’s a free tool from Google. You don’t need a ton of money to use it and you don’t need to be an SEO expert either. It just takes some time, patience, and dedication on your part in order to get the best results possible out of this service. If you follow these tips above then there’s no doubt in my mind that they will help take your local business marketing strategy up several notches!


If you want to be found on Google, it’s crucial that you have a GMB account. It’s important for the visibility of your business, but also because it allows you to put your best foot forward when someone is looking for something like what you offer. The information on this page should have helped answer some of your questions about creating a Google My Business account and what its benefits are. If there’s anything else we can do though, please let us know!

So there you have it! Google My Business is a powerful tool that will help you connect with your customers, no matter where they are in the world. We hope this article has been helpful and informative for setting up your own Business Profile so that your business can reach new heights and be successful on the internet. If there’s anything else we can do to help, please let us know by leaving us a comment below or contacting us at [ contact@businessdemy.com].


What Is Google My Business & How Can I Use It To Drive More Traffic?
What Is Google My Business & How Can I Use It To Drive More Traffic?
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