Why Is Chrome so Slow and How to Fix it?

Why is Chrome so Slow

Are you tired of your computer running slow? Is your Google Chrome browser not working like it used to? If so, you’re far from alone. In fact, most of us have been there at some point or another.

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, used by millions every day. But as it turns out, it’s also one of the fastest-growing targets for hackers and other cyber criminals who want to steal your information. This means that many people who use Google Chrome often find themselves dealing with slowdowns and crashes—and sometimes even malware infections like viruses and spyware that can mess up their computers even more than usual!

But don’t worry: there are ways to fix Google Chrome’s slowness. In this article, we will try to explain why is Chrome so slow and how to fix it.

Chrome is a slow browser, but it can be fixed.

Chrome is a powerful browser that’s also really slow. This is because Chrome is a resource hog and uses up a lot of system resources. But there are ways to make it faster, including:

  • -Make sure that you have the latest version of Chrome installed. This will help with system crashes and other bugs that may be causing issues for you.
  • -Turn off unnecessary plugins, extensions, themes, and apps in Chrome’s settings menu. This can help speed up performance by reducing the amount of processing power your computer has to use on each page load.

Why is Chrome so slow?

Chrome is a fast browser but it can get slow due to many reasons. The main reason for Chrome’s slowness is because it’s a memory hog and it uses up more memory than other browsers do. This is because Chrome has a lot of extensions that add functionality to the browser, but they also take up valuable resources in your computer’s RAM and CPU. Another reason why Chrome is so slow is that there are a ton of plugins that are designed specifically for Chrome and if you have too many installed then your system will run slower as well.

What should you do if Chrome is running slow?

The first thing you should do is check your memory usage. Go to the task manager and see how much RAM Chrome is using. If it’s using more than around 100MB of RAM then that might be why it’s slow. Try closing all other applications so that you can give Chrome all the resources it needs.

  • Delete unneeded extensions
  • Disable chrome extensions and blockers
  • Defer apps and software updates
  • Clear cache and memory storage.
  • Upgrade the storage and hardware support.
  • Improve the slow chrome browser.

Update Google Chrome to the latest

To keep your computer as safe and secure as possible, it’s important to update Google Chrome. This will ensure that you have all of the latest security fixes and patches in place.

How often should you update Google Chrome?

This depends on how often you use Google Chrome, but it’s best to update at least once a month. If you don’t have time for this, consider using a different browser that can auto-update itself.

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If you use Google Chrome, it’s important to keep your computer updated. This will ensure that your system is protected against malware and viruses as well as security vulnerabilities. The best way to update Google Chrome is through the browser itself.

How to Update Google Chrome?

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Go to chrome://settings/help
  3. Click on “About Google Chrome”
  4. Click on the “check for updates” button at the bottom of the page
  5. If there is an update available, click on the “update” button at the bottom of your screen (and follow any additional prompts

Disable Chrome Extensions and Blockers

Disable Chrome Extensions and Blockers

Disable extensions that you do not need. If a specific extension is causing problems, disable it and see if the problem goes away. You can also try disabling all of your extensions and then re-enabling them one by one to find out which ones are causing problems on your computer.

How to Disable Chrome Extensions:

  1. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner of your browser window
  2. Click “More tools”
  3. And then “Extensions
  4. Click on each extension to see what it does If you want to disable an extension,
  5. Click on the trash can icon next to its name and click “disable”

Remove extensions that are causing problems

When you have disabled an extension, but it is still causing issues with Chrome, you can remove it from your computer entirely by going to Menu > Settings > Advanced Settings > Manage Extensions. From here, select an extension and click the trashcan icon to delete it permanently from Chrome’s history (though note that this will not uninstall it from your computer).

There are many reasons why your browser could be slow, including extensions. If you use a lot of extensions and don’t keep them organized, it could slow down the speed of your Firefox or Chrome. To solve this problem, remove all unnecessary extensions from your browser and delete any that are slowing down its performance.

If you have an extension that is eating up too much memory or CPU power, it may be worth uninstalling it altogether. Some extensions just aren’t worth keeping on because they take up too much space in your computer’s operating system and give users nothing in return for doing so.

How to Delete Unnecessary Extensions:

  1. -Open up your browser and go to the menu bar.
  2. -Click on the “Settings” button (usually at the top right of your screen).
  3. -On the left side of the Settings page, click on “Extensions”.
  4. -On the right side of the Extensions page, click on “Extensions” (in the upper-right corner). -You will see a list of all your installed extensions. Click on one and then click on “Remove”.

Defer Apps and Software Updates

To avoid this, you can delay app updates for a set period of time. This means that you can keep your apps up to date, but you’ll have to manually update them instead of having them updated automatically.

The process for deferring application updates is slightly different on each operating system:

On macOS

  1. open the Chrome window and click the menu icon in the upper-right corner (it looks like three horizontal lines).
  2. Select Settings from the drop-down menu that appears. Scroll down until you see Advanced and then click it.
  3. In the Security section, under “Automatic Updates,” select “Update me manually.”
  4. Then click Done at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

On Windows 10

  1. Right-click on your taskbar and select Task Manager from its contextual menu;
  2. then choose the Processes tab (or Details tab) and locate Chrome there;
  3. right-click it and select Set Priority from the context menu;
  4. choose High in order to stop automatic updates activation!

Clear Cache and Memory Storage

Chrome has a lot of files and data stored in its cache, which is why it takes time to load. So you can speed up Chrome by:

Delete the cache:

Deleting the cache and all the data stored in your local storage.

To do so,

  1. Go to Chrome’s Settings menu,
  2. Click on Advanced and then click on Clear browsing data under the Privacy section.
  3. Then select “the beginning of time” from the dropdown menu (to clear all the data)
  4. and hit the Clear Browsing Data button.
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Delete the temporary files:

Deleting the temporary files stored on your computer’s hard drive.

To do so,

  1. Go to the Windows Start menu and open Control Panel.
  2. Click on “Administrative Tools”
  3. Then click on Disk Cleanup. Select “Temporary Files” from the dropdown menu of the window that appears
  4. hit the OK button.

Clear Memory Storage

Clearing your computer’s memory is another way to free up space and speed up the performance of your computer.

To do so,

  1. Open Windows Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys together.
  2. Then click on the “Processes” tab and find the chrome.exe process (the one with the Google Chrome icon).
  3. Right-click on it and choose the “End Process” option from the dropdown menu.

    Upgrade the Storage and Hardware Support

  • Use a faster computer.
  • Get a better internet connection.
  • Use a better internet service provider (ISP) or switch your current ISP to one that has higher bandwidth capability and lower latency times.
  • Upgrade the storage on your computer by replacing it with a solid-state drive (SSD).

Improve Slow Chrome browser

You can use Task Manager to close all running programs that are not necessary for you. If you want to do this, open your Chrome browser and click on the three dots icon at the top right corner. Select More tools > Task Manager. Then select the Memory Tab and see what is taking up most of your computer’s RAM.

The more RAM is used by apps and software, the more resources will be allocated to them which means less performance for other processes in your system making it slow down over time.

To free up more memory try closing these unwanted programs:

  • Background Apps from Windows 10 Settings
  • Chrome Extensions & Plugins (Go To Settings > Advanced > Privacy & Security)
  • Unused Programs running in Startup or Services (Control Panel)

Enable the prediction service on your Chrome

Add download speed extensions

Here are the best download speed extensions for Chrome:

> Speed Master for YouTube and Video Downloader for Google Play

Download speed extensions will help you to increase the download speed of your browser. You can use these extensions to download files from the internet faster, especially if you have a slow internet connection. These extensions will also help you to download videos and audio files faster by increasing the bandwidth or data transfer rate so that they do not take up too much time downloading.

You can use these tips to make your browser more efficient.

  • Use a browser speed test to find out if your browser is slow. A lot of times, problems like this can be fixed with a simple setting change or update.
  • If you’re using an older version of Chrome, update to the latest version. Older versions of Chrome are notorious for being sluggish, so it’s worth updating if you’re still running one from last century (or earlier).
  • Delete unneeded extensions and plugins:

    Some extensions and overrides can slow down your computer by sucking up resources and adding overhead to the process of loading web pages or apps. If there are any extensions or plugins sitting idle in your system tray that no longer serve any purpose for your workflow, consider removing them entirely (but avoid doing so indiscriminately—some extensions are actually required for certain sites).

  • Disable extensions and blockers:

    In addition to disabling unnecessary programs such as antivirus software on slower machines like my own laptop (which has been known to bog down at times), some users have found success simply by disabling all their add-ons entirely with one click before browsing again instead of checking each individual extension individually first before closing them out which could result in faster load times overall but may lead some advertisers’ scripts being blocked until they’re allowed back onto pages again which may cause some websites not working properly due lack content being blocked by default when visiting pages without having all necessary permissions set beforehand.”


I hope this article helped you fix your slow Chrome browser. Please let me know if there are any other tips that I missed and I will update the article with them.

FAQs about Why is Chrome So Slow


A. How do I fix slow Chrome?

Chrome is a great browser, but it can be slow. There are many reasons why Chrome is slow, but there are also ways to fix them.

Some of the reasons that Chrome is slow include:

-Multiple tabs open – This is one of the most common reasons for slowness. Opening multiple tabs can make your computer slow down because each tab needs to be processed by your computer. Each tab also takes up memory and resources which slows down overall performance.

-Cookies – Cookies can be stored on your computer and used to track your activity online. This can cause some websites to load slowly because they have to access the cookies on your computer before loading the webpage.

-Ads – Ads can also cause pages to load slower as well as increase data usage if you’re using mobile data on an iPhone or Android device (which I hope you aren’t). Ads also use up memory and CPU power which means they’ll slow down everything else on your device while they’re running in the background!

There are also some solutions that can help fix these issues:

-Close unused tabs – Close any tabs that aren’t being used right away so they don’t take up resources when they’re not needed anymore! This should reduce CPU usage and memory usage which will help speed up your computer. -Use a browser like Chrome or Firefox that can automatically clear your cache and cookies when you close out of it. This will eliminate the need for you to manually clear these items after each use!

B, Why is Google Chrome so slow all of a sudden Windows 11?

To be honest, I’m not sure why Chrome is slow. It has been known to be one of the fastest browsers on Windows 10, but on Windows 11 it seems to be a bit sluggish at times.

I think the problem is that the internet has changed since Chrome was developed. There are so many new websites popping up every day that it’s hard for them all to keep up with everything going on around them.

C. Why is my browser so slow but my internet is fast?

Well, sometimes it’s your browser, and sometimes it’s not. Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons why your browser might be acting up and what you can do about it.

First off, let’s get one thing straight: your internet speed has nothing to do with how fast or slow your browser works. Your browser is only one part of the process for loading websites, and it doesn’t matter how slow your internet connection is if you have an old computer or if you’re using a bad browser like [browser name].

So what does affect how fast your browser loads? Well, there are three main factors:

1) How much memory (RAM) is in your computer

2) What kind of processor (CPU) is running that memory

3) How long ago was the last time you upgraded any of those components? (If it’s been more than a year, definitely consider upgrading!)

D. Which is faster edge or Chrome?

It’s not a question of which is faster. It’s a question of how fast you want to go.

If you’re looking for the fastest browser experience, without sacrificing any of the features and functionality that make Chrome so great, then Edge is the right choice for you!

You can download it today on Windows 10, or get started with an immersive experience in our web browser by clicking here!


Why Is Chrome so Slow and How to Fix it?
Why Is Chrome so Slow and How to Fix it?
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